Before undertaking a treatment, the osteopath asks her patients questions about their medical history, their past surgeries, their birth, and asks them to describe any prior traumatic event and ongoing treatment.
We know that physical and/or emotional trauma can disturb tissue mobility and change the body's ability to function over short or long-term periods.
It is, therefore, necessary to provide the patient with a specific correction which will enable their body to improve its self-regulation.
With the body being a whole, the osteopath works in a holistic way. For the cranial system, the osteopathic approach is carried out on several levels : bone – membranous – central nervous system – cerebro-spinal liquid.
As for the peripheral system, the osteopathic approach is always global, yet at the same time very specific while dealing with the membranous system : vertebral, muscular, visceral, fluidic and emotional.
The medical care is adapted to each patient and the treatments are gentle to respect the state of health of each person (fatigue, level of pain).
Patients often feel a deep relaxation at the end of their osteopathy treatment or, more rarely, nothing. Immediately after and for up to 4 days after the session, there can be reactions of tiredness, more or less intensity of pain, or nothing at all.
In all cases, the reactions wear off in time. They are normal and the patient should not worry about such after-effects.
Osteopathy for endometriosis, fertility disorders
I am specialized in this domain and have been working daily, for years, with women suffering from endometriosis.
This illness affects some adolescents too and poisons the life of women until tthey reach menopause, at which point, the symptoms disappear progressively. One or two Osteopathic sessions per year are advisable.
This chronic inflammatory illness does not systematically make the woman infertile, as is often incorrectly reported, even if many couples have difficulty procreating with endometriosis. In 2021 many of endometriosis patients gave birth and had uneventful pregnancies.
Aging and lowering of ovarian reserves influence this procreation, as well as endocrine disruptors such as phtalates (pesticides, paints, textiles ...).
Diet plays an important role in the inflammatory state. I am able to offer pertinent nutritional advice to those patients interested
*Symptoms that lead patients with endometriosis to consult an osteopath :
• abnormal symptoms linked to the patient's period.
• shoulder pain, especially in the right shoulder, during menstruation.
• dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation) which is not normal, ever.
• Chronic pelvian pain lombalgia (lower back pain), or sciatica
• recurrent pain in the inner knee, due to tension of the genitofemoral nerve.
• feelings of « heaviness » in the lower abdomen due to congestion of the pelvic sphere and the inflammatory state (often accompanied by adhesions.)
• dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).
• pain during ovulation.
• headaches – nausea – vomiting – cervical / dorsal discomfort.
• uterine cramping.
• alternating constipation and diarrhea.
• blood in the urine.
• pain when urinating or during bowel movements.
• reoccuring pain after endometriosis surgery (adhesions of scars).
• antecedents of surgery of the abdomen, abdominal congestion.
Remark : frequent scoliosis often accompanies endometriosis.
* Examples of correction of obstruction through osteopathy, aiding in procreation:
• Bad positioning of the pelvis:
Sacrum- iliac bone, coccyx : many ligaments, the USL (uterosacral ligaments) in particular, are under tension, preventing the uterus from mobilizing, and thereby hindering the reproductive function.
• Reduced mobility of the dorso-lumbar vertebrae:
Because of malposition and rigidity of the rachis and damage to the roots of the nerves from the hypogastric and ovarian plexus, the uterus cannot contract normally, hindering the circulation in the gynecological sphere and hence causing a congestion zone.
Simply, the uterus, constricted by endometriosis, has reduced mobility, and all organs surrounding the uterus become constricted as well. Because of this and because of the chronic inflammatory state, the organs no longer glide well against each other and gradually gather and eventually become stuck together, creating adhesions and abdominal-pelvic congestion.
The osteopath intervenes to decongest the pelvic area, and thus, through her comprehensive and holistic approach, helps to facilitate a healthy pregnancy. Furthermore, it is important to treat patients holistically both before any surgery and post-surgery to manage scarring.
• Restriction of mobility in the cranial sphere:
The osteopath frees endocranial tensions (tensions in the skull), softens, aligns and relaxes the intracranial membranes (falx cerebelli, falx brain, tentorium cerebelli). She corrects endocranial spasms (tensions of the central nervous system) and activates the cerebrospinal fluid to decongest the cranial system.
Frequent scoliosis leads to additional cranial tensions, which can be reduce through regularly surveyed osteopathy, as scoliosis in the adult cannot be corrected, but regularly creates cerebral, spinal and organ tension.
An additional aim is to be able to treat and allow the pituitary gland to better function - the pituitary gland being the ‘conductor’ of hormonal regulation.
• Imbalance of the endocrine and nervous axis:
As a result of emotional disorders or stress, endocrine and nervous balances change, leaving room for hormonal dysfunction. The osteopath treats he endocrine axis by normalizing the pituitary gland, thyroid, liver, spleen, adrenals and ovaries. The holistic osteopathic treatment aims to facilitate fertility in women with endometriosis.
• Congestion in the gynecological sphere:
There are various causes for gynecological tensions :
- effects of endometriosis (adhesions, organs immobile or even frozen)
- post-surgical adhesions
- childbirth
- PTSD caused by former physical trauma such as assault
The osteopath works to decrease menstrual pains and pains during sexual intercourse.
Nearly all patients have reported a decrease in these symptoms.
* When to consult an osteopath in the case of infertility ?
Patients should consult a specialistic for a fertility check-up, especially after the age of 35 years, but even for a younger woman whose infertility persists longer than one year. A specialized medical check-up and ultrasound allow us to know if the ovarian reserve is sufficient. Additionally, a search for food intolerances can be proposed. Osteopathic follow-up is necessary alongside medical care. The first appointment in osteopathy can be made at any time of the menstrual cycle.
Proceeding appointments will be scheduled at a specific time of the menstrual cycle to take into account :
- Ovulation stimulation
- Decreasing pelvic congestion
* How does a gynecological osteopathy treatment work?
The treatment will be specific and adapted to each patient. It will be explained and proposed rather than imposed, and will never be initiated in the first appointment. The patient must understand the purpose of the treatment, with the help of anatomic plates if necessary. The osteopath also take into account the reactions and pain experienced during manipulations, which must always be gentle and supportive for the patient. Otherwise, treatment is paused and continued in the next session. At present, after several years of practice, I can confirm that almost every woman I have treated has gained easier sexual intercourse, following my gynecological osteopathic treatments. Certain women can renew sexual relations after previously having been entirely unable to engage. Others find their relations are less painful, and some completely painless. The gynecological osteopathic treatment can only be carried out if there is a written agreement signed by the patient. The treatment lasts a few minutes. The other types of osteopathic treatment are always adapted to each patient.
Excluded from gynecological osteopathy are :
- Virgin women
- women who have been victims of sexual assault and who refuse this treatment.
Osteopathy and pregnancy surveillance
* This surveillance helps :
To reduce or avoid pain in the pelvis, coccyx, pubic symphysis
To reduce rachialgia (back pain)
To make the spine more flexible, decongest the small pelvis, thereby improving circulation in the pelvis
To reduce nausea, gastroesophageal reflux
To reduce headaches, sinusitis
To minimize apprehension and fears about giving birth
To allow the patient to feel relaxed and reassured
* Uterine contractions and pregnancy
Through normalizing the spine and the pelvis, the osteopath enables relaxation of the nervous system in connection with the uterus, as well as better circulation in the gynecological sphere. For these reasons, uterine contraction will decrease. The osteopath also restores hormonal changes during pregnancy, by treating the adrenals, thyroid, and other glands.
* Optimization of low birth
The osteopath checks the positioning of the small pelvis (iliac bones, sacrum, coccyx, hips), the spine, and the mobility of the treated areas. Muscular and emotional tensions are also relaxed and unblocked, facilitating a physiological release. Better engagement, rotation and expulsion possible.
If the baby does not appear in a cephalic position at the term of pregnancy (its back is on the left) the osteopath will look for areas of maternal blockages to facilitate delivery.
* When is it best to consult ?
At any time of pregnancy, the osteopath will take into account the patient's history.
Why receive osteopathic care ?
• In the first trimester :
Fear of a miscarriage can be largely diminished after an osteopathic intervention, as this intervention optimizes the proper course of a healthy pregnancy. Osteopathic care reduces the risk of uterine contractions, and therefore miscarriage. Though the release of vertebral and small pelvis dysfunctions and the relaxation of adhesions, the osteopath improves the circulation of the uterine artery, and consequently the blood supply at the fundus of the uterus, which is the seat of the elective insertion of the placenta. For these reasons, the osteopath plays an important role, especially for patients who have already experienced a miscarriage. Of course, osteopathic care takes into account the medical record.
• In the second trimester :
At this stage, the pregnant woman is likely less fearful of a possible miscarriage.
Frequency of low back pain and sciatica increases, which the osteopath can alleviate.
• In the third trimester :
This is the time to help prepare the patient for delivery, by releasing the lumbar joint blockages, softening the pelvis, and balancing the tensions of the muscles : psoas, pyramidal, and those of the perineum. This treatment facilitates the baby's engagement during childbirth.
How are these treatments carried out ?
Whatever the osteopathic care, it will always take into account the person as a whole, and will be performed gently, without applying force or sudden movements. Of course, treatments will be painless.
Osteopathy and baby, infant

In my consulting room
* Why consult an osteopath?
Here are some reasons for consultation:
• Congenital torticollis or head rotation limitation :
The baby cannot turn the head to one side or the head does not both directions with the same range of motion.
If the baby suckles from one breast more easily, it is because he has more ability to place his head on that side because the mobility of the cervical vertebrae is reduced on the opposite side. On its own, it will not turn its head in the direction where it feels blocked. These cervical tensions are set in place during the spiral movement that the baby experiences at the time of birth. It performs rotational movements, and at the time of expulsion from its mother's body, it passes under the pubic symphysis of its mother, which causes strains on his cervical vertebrae.
• Plagiocephaly or flattening of an area of the newborn’s skull :
Related to mechanical constraints on the baby’s skull sutures. The osteopath accurately treats areas of compression or overlapping sutures to reduce these constraints. This will relax the cranial nervous membraneous system and facilitate brain circulation. The appearance of plagiocephaly occurs at birth, or later if the baby lets its head rest on the same side (positional plagiocephaly). In the case of severe plagiocephaly, wearing a helmet is the best solution to reshape the baby’s skull. The osteopath intervenes as soon as possible. For craniostenosis, a very rare premature closure of the cranial arch sutures, the treatment must be surgical. For plagiocephaly management, physiotherapy and psychomotor therapy sessions can be combined with osteopathic care.
• A narrowed tear duct :
Constraints on the baby’s face during childbirth can create purulent secretions (the tearing of an eye).
The osteopath helps to regulate this shrinkage.
• Breastfeeding :
The osteopath intervenes if the baby has trouble turning its head and therefore has trouble breastfeeding in case of torticollis. Intervention is also recommended if inability to attach to the breast causes a slowdown in milk production.
• ‘Comma’ positioning of the baby, lying on the back :
I have noticed that when I take the time to look at a newborn baby on his back when it is agitated, it is not uncommon to observe a curved position of the ribcage, very often accompanied by a small tilt the pelvis.
Usually, only one session is necessary to correct this malposition.
• Other reasons for consultation for babies – small children – toddlers :
- Disturbed sleep
- Colic
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease or regurgitation
- O.R.L (sinusitis-otitis) disorder
- Excitement - anger - unnecessarily upset
- Unexplained crying
- Deviation of the spine
- Postural imbalance
* When to consult an osteopath?
As soon as possible after birth:
In case of torticollis : to avoid positional plagiocephaly.
Plagiocephaly : in the first 3 months after birth, as soon as possible, to improve the shape of the skull quickly.
After the first 3 months, the osteopath can act but the correction will be more tedious.
Lactation is reactivated as soon as the newborn improves its suction, following the care of the osteopath. Here too, as soon as possible.
* How is the care administered ?
Always in a holistic way. The treatment is extremely gentle, practised with patience, without over-exerting strength, and is completely painless. A head-to-toe screening is required. Sometimes the baby cries and as a result, the parents can become stressed.
The osteopath explains that the baby’s crying has several causes :
- He wants his mother to hold him
- He is hungry
- The technique used is unpleasant to him and perhaps reminds him of the constraints he experienced during his birth or during his intra-uterine life
- Tensions to be corrected bother him
- He falls asleep
A baby's cries don't all have the same meaning. If you find your baby agitated after treatment, this is a transient reaction which is not cause for concern. In most cases, the baby is relaxed during treatment if he is not hungry and he falls asleep during and after the treatment. If worries persist, parents can always feel free to contact me again
Osteopathy, schooling, spine, and orthodontics
* Why consult an osteopath?
- The child is described in school as not paying attention, a dreamer
- Lack of concentration
- Dyslexia
- Deviation of the spine: scoliosis (in a frontal plane), hyperlordosis (accentuation of the lumbar curvature), hyperkyphosis (deviation of the profile of the dorsal spine, between the shoulder blades).
- Orthodontics: orthodontic care can create the following constraints :
Visual disorders
Concentration difficulties
Mood modification
The removal of wisdom teeth under general anaesthesia is not recommended unless truly necessary, because there is a risk of dislocation of the «meniscus» of the jaw joint. This leads to small “clicks” while chewing, even if the osteopath helps to rebalance the jaw and reposition the disc, provided that it has not slipped too low in the TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint).
* How is the care performed ?
Always after accurate osteopathic diagnosis, and globally, from head to toe. The treatment is gentle, without force, without cracking, reduces restrictions on joint mobility, visceral, restores flexibility to the membranous system, and helps the body to self-regulate. Each treatment is explained to the patient. For younger children, parents can attend the sessions, even if it is preferable for them to stay in the waiting room. A baby will have one parent next to him during treatment. I take great care not to make any comments that could worry my child patients and sometimes simplify my explanations. Parents are then kept informed in detail of their child's care. Painless brain manipulations and those concerning the emotional system, are applied practically within every session. The amount of care and the space between each session depends on the individual problems of each patient. This will be explained.
Osteopathy and orthodontics
- It is desirable for the patient to receive one or two osteopathic treatments before any orthodontic treatment, to reduce the brain tension before the orthodontic device is applied. Of course, osteopathic care is applied to the whole body and not only to the skull, since we know that brain tensions are also related to peripheral tensions distributed throughout the body. An osteopathic treatment targeted only on the cranial sphere has no meaning without taking into consideration the functioning of the body in its entirety. Meanwhile, the patient returns to orthodontics regularly to improve his occlusion.
- It is therefore advised that the patient consult the osteopath multiple times : the week after a consultation visit to the orthodontist, after the installation of the device, and also after each orthodontic care.
Why ?
The osteopath reduces the tension which comes as a result of the correction of the orthodontic device. Patients frequently experience reduced orthodontic treatment time as a result of osteopathic care, which accelerates the correction of malocclusion.
Osteopathy for men and women
A piece of advice :
Do not wait until you are experiencing pain or other heightened symptoms to consult !
One or two yearly preventative sessions are wise, even if you have no pain or problems to report.
The osteopath will always find some strain on the functioning of the system, knowing that blockages are not always painful but can manifest in the body in other ways.
* Some examples of reasons for consultation :
For athletes: falls, tendinitis, trauma, sprains ...
Accidents (car, bike, motorcycle)
Loss of balance
Impacts of Covid :
Rib cage stiffness
loss of vertebral flexibility
Shortness of breath
Sternal pains
General fatigue
A suite of bronchitis, asthma, pneumothorax
Digestive system:
Functional colopathy.
Following surgical procedures, after healing
Stroke upon discharge from hospital
Preparation for serious surgical procedures. Osteopathy will help to decongest the body as a whole and correct various blockages and will relieve the patient and optimize his recovery post-surgery.
*An example :
A 35-year-old patient was waiting for a heart transplant. She had bilateral lower limb edema, having lost more than 10 kilos in a short time, and was very weak and in intensive care. She was able to return to her room the day after osteopathic care with her lower limbs deflated, her appetite recovered and a slight improvement in blood pressure. While continuing to wait for a transplant, she received two more osteopathic treatments in her room. Her morale improved, and eventually, she was able to get the transplant, and she is doing fine today. Unfortunately, osteopathy was not well-recognized at that time, and no doctors sought to understand how osteopathy could help their patients. Now that osteopathy is more widely recognized, the osteopath can work in collaboration and harmony with doctors.